Quem usa muito e-mail, mensagens instantâneas e outras formas de comunicação em rede, sabe como as abreviações ajudam na hora de escrever uma mensagem. Elas foram criadas para otimizar o espaço da mensagem e o tempo na digitação e logo se tornaram populares. Quem não usa ou não conhece pelo menos umas duas delas? Acho uma boa, porém, há quem não goste dessa linguagem, prefere escrever tudinho pra não ter que ficar decifrando o texto.
Mas pra você que quer saber mais, aí segue uma seleção destas abreviações para ampliar seu "vocabulário"!
2B or not 2B: To be or not to be
2moro: Tomorrow
2nite: Tonight
AAYF: As always, Your friend
ABT2: About to
AFK: away from keyboard
AIGHT: All right
AKA: Also known as
ALOL: Actually Laughing out loud
AML: All my love
ASAP: As soon as possible
B/C: Because
B4N: Bye for now
B4YKI: Before you know it
B4: Before
BAK: Back at my keyboard
BB: Be back
BB4N: Bye-bye for now
BBL: Be back later
BD: Big deal
BF: Best Friend
BFF: Best Friends forever
BFFAE: Best friend forever and ever
BFFTTE: Best friends forever 'till the end
BIF: Before I forget
BRB: Be right back
BTA: But then Again
BTW: By the way
BTWITIAILWU: By the way I think I'm in love with you
BWDIK: But what do I know
C U L8R: See you later
CMU: Crack me up
COS: Change of subject
CSL: Can't stop laughing
CYA: See ya
Def: Definitely
DGTG: Don't go there girlfriend
DIY: Do it yourself
DKDC: Don't know don't care
DND: Do not disturb
DUST: Did you see that?
ETA: Estimated time of arrival
EZ: Easy
F2F: Face to face
FAWC: For anyone who cares
FF: Friends forever
FMTYEWTK: Far more than you ever wanted to know
FOAF: Friend of a friend
FTR: For the record
FWD: Forward
FYI: For your information
FYSBIGTBABN: Fasten your seatbelts it's going to be a bumpy tonight
G2G: Got to go
GF: Girlfriend
GFI: Go for it
GG: Gotta go
GL: Good Luck
GNBLFY: Got nothing but love for you
GOI: Get over it
GR8: Great
Grats: Congratulations
GRRRR: Growling
GTG: Got to go
HB: Hurry Back
HIG: How`s it going?
HO: Hold on
HSIK: How should I know?
IDC: I don't care
IMO: in my opinion
IYD: In your dreams
IDGI: I don't get it
IYD: In your dreams
IDGI: I don't get it
IDK: I don't care
IDM: It doesn't matter
ILU: I love you
ILY: I love you
IM: Instant Messaging
JK: Just kidding
JP: Just playing
JW: Just wondering
KMP: Keep me posted
L8R G8R: Later Gator
IYD: In your dreams
IDGI: I don't get it
IYD: In your dreams
IDGI: I don't get it
IDK: I don't care
IDM: It doesn't matter
ILU: I love you
ILY: I love you
IM: Instant Messaging
JK: Just kidding
JP: Just playing
JW: Just wondering
KMP: Keep me posted
L8R G8R: Later Gator
LMK: Let me know
LOL: Laughing out loud
LYL: Love you lots
LYLAB: Love you like a brother
LYLAS: Love you like a sister
MIA: MIssing in action
MLAS: My lips are sealed
MYOB: Mind your own business
NDB: No Big Deal
NE1: Anyone
NM: Never Mind
NM: Nothing Much
NMP: Not my problem
NOYB: None of your business
NP: No problem
NTK: Nice to know
NW: No way
OAO: Over and out
PAW: Parents are watching
PDQ: Pretty Darn Quick
PLS: Please
POS: Parents over shoulder
QT: Cutie
QFT: Quality friend time
RBAU: Right Back at you
RU: Are you?
RUT: Are you there?
Sk8r: Skater
SLAP: Sounds like a plan
SUP: What's up?
SUS: See you soon
SWDYT: So what do you think?
TAFN: That's all for now
TBC: To be honest
TFLMS: Thanks for letting me share
THX: Thanks
TLC: Tender loving care
TMI: Too much information
TOY: Thinking of you
TTFN: Ta Ta for Now
TTG: Time to go
TTYL: Talk to you later
TY: Thank you
U: You
U2: You too
UG2BK: You've got to be kidding
VM: Voicemail
WAYD: What are you doing?
WAYN: Where are you now?
WBS: Write back soon
WDYT: What do you think?
WE: Whatever
WFM: Works for me
WITW: What in the world?
WU: What's up?
WUWH: Wish you were here
XOXO: Hugs and kisses
YA: Yeah
ZZZ: Tired, bored
LOL: Laughing out loud
LYL: Love you lots
LYLAB: Love you like a brother
LYLAS: Love you like a sister
MIA: MIssing in action
MLAS: My lips are sealed
MYOB: Mind your own business
NDB: No Big Deal
NE1: Anyone
NM: Never Mind
NM: Nothing Much
NMP: Not my problem
NOYB: None of your business
NP: No problem
NTK: Nice to know
NW: No way
OAO: Over and out
PAW: Parents are watching
PDQ: Pretty Darn Quick
PLS: Please
POS: Parents over shoulder
QT: Cutie
QFT: Quality friend time
RBAU: Right Back at you
RU: Are you?
RUT: Are you there?
Sk8r: Skater
SLAP: Sounds like a plan
SUP: What's up?
SUS: See you soon
SWDYT: So what do you think?
TAFN: That's all for now
TBC: To be honest
TFLMS: Thanks for letting me share
THX: Thanks
TLC: Tender loving care
TMI: Too much information
TOY: Thinking of you
TTFN: Ta Ta for Now
TTG: Time to go
TTYL: Talk to you later
TY: Thank you
U: You
U2: You too
UG2BK: You've got to be kidding
VM: Voicemail
WAYD: What are you doing?
WAYN: Where are you now?
WBS: Write back soon
WDYT: What do you think?
WE: Whatever
WFM: Works for me
WITW: What in the world?
WU: What's up?
WUWH: Wish you were here
XOXO: Hugs and kisses
YA: Yeah
ZZZ: Tired, bored
That's all today!
See ya!
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